Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Texas Brisket, there is nothing better.

Normally for Thanksgiving everyone gets excited about the turkey and stuffing and all that good stuff. This year we were excited about the brisket!!!
My dad's cousin Dickie (Uncle Dickie) makes the best brisket ever! He is no relation to the Dickie's BBQ joints in TX that we saw this past week. He's the real deal, smokes his brisket with real mesquite wood for over 12 hours. He does it every year for all the dear hunters and for other groups in Mason, TX.
We had his brisket at our wedding and ever since any brisket we have elsewhere always gets compared to his. Nothing stacked up in Idaho and Maryland. Mr. Powdrell's in Albuquerque did a good job and for living in Minnesota, Famous Dave's actually has pretty good brisket.
Visiting my family in TX this past we week, we got to have brisket at least three times. Mike said he was actually brisketed out! Now that's a Happy Thanksgiving!!

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