Thursday, May 29, 2008

1 month old and going strong

Nothing consumes your time like a newborn right? Amazing how fast someone else eating, sleeping, pooping and crying can pass the hours.
I can't believe he is already 1 month old. Everyone says the time will fly by and it has. But I'm looking forward to seeing facial expressions he purposefully makes and him being able to recognize us with his eyes.
He's spent this past month visiting with a lot family and friends, going on walks and even one disc golf outing. He's made it to church twice and gone on a few shopping trips with me.
This weekend we are heading to the Grandparents, it's a 3 hour drive. It's a nice test of traveling with Josiah, here's hoping he'll sleep the whole time!!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to Me!!!!!

I am officially a Mom as of April 28!!! And am learning to type with one hand as I hold J!!
This is how things happened the weekend before he arrived...
Friday night we get last minute tickets to the theater to see A Midsummer Night's Dream from a friend. We took them figuring this might be the last chance we get to do something like this. We rush to get there just as its starting, so there's a lot of fast walking and stairs involved. The next day we do some more unpacking and get things put away. That evening we go visit our friends who just had their baby that Thurs. Going home that evening, Mike calls his mom and tells her we're leaving the hospital just to tease her. Off and on during that day I feel things happening but not too sure if they're contractions. Sunday the things happening get more severe and frequent. So we stayed home from church and Mike was running on adrenaline getting last minute things done. We go shopping for stuff we have to have before baby arrives. Sometime that weekend we finally decided on a boy name and girl name plus middle names. Monday comes and I'm not having fun. I had been having contractions starting some on Sat and getting worse. My next appointment wasn't until Thurs and I did not want to wait until then to see what was going on. So I called the Dr office, I went in and was dilated at a 3. So they gave me something to help me sleep while I could and said the baby's probably coming in a few days! (before Sat, the due date) Mike stayed home the rest of the day just in case. Around 8 that evening the contractions were getting worse but not always that frequent so I paged the midwife and they told us to head to the hospital to get checked out. We got there at 9pm, I was dilated to a 6 and they said the baby was coming tonight!! It took about an hour to fill the tub and for the midwife to show up. At 10:15pm I got in the tub and at 11:30 J was born!!
I had him by water birth without any drugs and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Towards the end I asked about it being too late for drugs and the nurse and midwife kind of laughed saying the baby would be out before they could get me the drugs. Mike thought I was joking....
Mike was great during the whole thing and he got to cut the cord. It all happened so fast, I can still see them pulling J out of the water and handing him to me but I had to ask Mike if he cried. I couldn't remember any of the sounds. He didn't cry but just lifted his head up and looked around with eyes wide open. It was amazing!!
He's a healthy little guy and the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Mike's family has been here to visit and my mom and sister are here right now. My aunt and cousins stopped by for a short visit and my dad and grandmother are heading up here next week.
Tomorrow will be our first trip out as a family and I'm anxious to see how he will do. We're just going to church but I'm excited to show him off and to see our other friend's newborn, a boy J also. He was due two weeks before my J, but ended up being born only 4 days apart!!
I added a link on the side bar to a photo album the will be updated as we get more pics, enjoy!!