Thursday, February 21, 2008

Belated Valentine's on How We Met

Kecia wanted her friends to post about how they met their husbands, so here's our story:
Summer 2003 at Lone Tree Lakeshore camp on Elephant Butte Lake, NM
This was my second summer there and Mike's first. The camp directors, Eric and Nikki, knew me from the previous year and knew Mike from college, which is why he was coming to work at camp. I was one of the first staff there and was asking Nikki about the new staff coming in. She told me about them and then about Mike. While talking about Mike she threw in that she thought we would probably start dating this summer. She could picture us together and then told me about his long hair and beard. She also said that she can't say anything to him about it because he might not act on it on his end. So...I was stuck with this info not knowing what to do and a little nervous when we first met.
The first few conversations with others involved him putting his foot in his mouth twice. One comment was about these red neck/hick people on TV using this round thing on their dinner table to pass things around. I said yeah, a lazy susan, we had one of those, not realizing I'd just labeled my family as red neck/hick. But I think it embarrassed him more than me!! Fun stuff!!!
His first impression of me was a camp nerd (coming from a computer geek!) I just remember he was shy but a hard worker.
The good part was that I was his boss for part of the summer. Towards the end he'd follow me around trying to anticipate what I was about to do and do it for me. Sweet, but a little annoying since I liked to pull my own weight.
Our first date was eating Thai food and going to see Finding Nemo. Previously, he'd said he didn't like cartoon movies but quickly changed his mind after seeing my interest in the movie.
After summer ended we decided our relationship was worth trying over long distance. A year later I moved to Idaho, to actually live in a non-camp setting in the same town to make sure we could stand each other! Turns out we could!!
We will be married three years on Feb 27th!

1 comment:

Kecia said...

Yay, Lacy! I'd never really heard your whole story. Thanks for sharing it. :) And I LOVE your pictures from Africa; they're so amazing. I've wanted to go since college. I haven't given up yet! And you look so cute with your little baby showing. Here's my baby gear advice--don't bother with a high chair. You can use your carrier or a bouncy seat at first, and when they outgrow that, get a booster seat for the table with an attachable tray. That way it doesn't take up any more room than a kitchen chair. I did love my vibrating bouncy seat, by the way. But it kind of depends on the baby...
You're going to have so much fun!