Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Who wants to watch fireworks when you can sleep?

Yup, that's what Josiah was thinking last Friday night. A park near our place had an all day celebration for the 4th. Mike's family was here for the weekend. We met some friends from church at the park for a picnic supper and listen to two community bands play before the fireworks started. Since this would be Josiah's first experience with fireworks we had a backup plan to head to the car if he didn't like it. Fortunately he fell sleep shortly before they started and slept right on through. Of course I was holding him with a blanket and my hand over his ears just in case, but he did well.
We had a busy and fun weekend with Mike's family. While Grandma and Grandpa were watching Josiah, Mike, Matt and I went for a swim at the lake across the street. I wasn't planning on going under since I thought the water would be freezing but it was actually very nice. I guess the summers up here in MN don't start until July, June was very cool and the first day it got into the 90's was the end of June. We also all went and played disc golf while Grandma carried Josiah around in the Baby Bjorn, then we ended the evening by stuffing ourselves at Maggiano's. All of which Josiah slept through.

1 comment:

Kelly R. said...

Hey! Do I get credit for introducing you to Maggiano's? (I'm going to think so in my own head even if you say no!) Are you still coming to Texas in Sept? You're only 3 hours away from me. Maybe we can meet in the middle.