This is a late post, so I'll play catch up for a little bit.
We went camping the weekend Josiah turned two months. He did well but we didn't. I don't know what I was thinking camping in the summer in Minnesota. It did not even cross my mind that the mosquitoes would be bad and boy were they!! We were so worried about him getting eaten up that we weren't having fun. Camping is meant to be fun, so we stuck it out for a night and then went home.
Mike and I have camping gear but it's all for backpacking also, so our little two man tent was nice and cozy with the three of us. Granted Josiah is 1/5 of a person right now but he had the best spot, all nice and snug between us. He slept all night which tells you how comfortable he was!
Backing up some, at 6 weeks he started smiling more than just the random smirks. And everyday since then the smiles have been getting bigger and better!! Around week six we went in to weigh him and he was at 8lbs 7 oz. We get excited to see how much he is gaining. He started out slow but we are filling him up as much as I can.
A few weeks ago we started switching Tues nights babysitting with another couple who had a boy four days before Josiah was born. Right now it's easy since they just lie around. Mike and I could only think of a few things we like to do but can't take him with us, so we went canoeing on the lake across the street from us. Oh, we also took a pizza with us and ate it out on the water. Every third Tues, we'll all do something together. The dads held the boys up to look at each other and they started grinning!! I'm sure those grins will lead to a lot of mischief if a few years!
Here's few things Josiah's been doing (with me of course):
- two trips to Ikea
- one trip to the Mall of America, he was a little overwhelmed with that as I was my first time!
- at least three disc golf games
- numerous walks
- one camping trip
- one trip to see Grandma and Grandpa Loosbrock
- every Wednesday, he gets to stare at the kids at our New Mom's group
- stuck his feet in a cold wading pool and didn't like it
1 comment:
Love that smile!
I started babysitting Jonathan Fickle, who was a few months older than Jessica, when she was about 9 months old. They ended up best buddies for years. It was so precious to watch. :)
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