Tuesday, June 16, 2009

He's a walking!

This first video was taken two days ago.

This next one was taken today.

He can't stand up on his own yet without the help of something or someone. He has tried but it just looks like he's stuck in the touching his toes position. He's just got the hang of sitting from a crawling position recently. It's interesting to see in what order he gets things figured out!

And yes we do know that it's 2009 and there are much better quality video cameras out now. It does what we need it to do so that's good enough for now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Good Ol Home Videos

But this time we aren't watching them on a VCR.
These are videos we've taken in the past month.
Posting for family enjoyment:

My sister sent this card congratulating me on surviving my first year of motherhood.

Josiah trying out his walker he got for his birthday.

As you can see he's gotten much better at it.

Starting to use the spoon.