When we lived in Idaho, I was amazed that it snowed during Easter! We helped hide eggs in couches and house plants.
Here in Minnesota, it started snowing Friday night and didn't let up until yesterday afternoon. Forget wearing any cute Easter dresses and white shoes! Some kids down the street made a huge snow Easter egg and even decorated it! If it's still there I'll try to get a picture. We also saw a few snowmen/families decorated in spring colors and hats instead of gloves and scarves.
My sister came for a visit this weekend and I had been telling her it should be nice, no more snow. Shows how much I know about Minnesota winters!!!
Monday, March 24, 2008
I was NOT dreaming of a White Easter!
Posted by Lacy at 8:07 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
7 Random Things About Me
Here it goes:
1. Even though I am right-handed, I've always brushed my teeth with my left-hand. I've tried to use my right-hand but it's not as smooth.
2. I have scoliosis, but it was never severe enough to have a brace. Dr. thought playing sports throughout high school probably helped it not get so bad. To go along with that, my left leg is about 3/4 inch shorter than my right leg, so that throws my hips off. With being pregnant, I thought my back would really be killing me on top of normal pregnancy back pain. So far it's not been terrible, just different types of pain through different stages.
3. I had my tonsils taken out when I was 4 or 5. I remember being taken into a room with my doll and the nurse put the gas mask on my doll like she would do with me. Since that was the last thing I remembered, I always thought they had just sucked my tonsils right out. I don't think I learned the truth until middle school.
4. My college career was spent at four different schools and I was only in for 4 1/2 years. It took me a little while to figure out what I really wanted to do. I quickly found out marine biology wasn't for me when I wasn't doing well in the basic bio classes only to learn I'd have to take bio chem and other higher level biology. So I ended up doing Outdoor Leadership Ministries which has provided me with many amazing experiences and adventures.
5. I cannot stand eating beans of any type except green beans. It's a texture thing that also keeps me from eating oatmeal. My husband keeps thinking he can get me to like oatmeal and beans. I have tried and eaten them, and not enjoyed it at all!! I also eat my cereal dry with milk in a glass! This will be interesting to see which way our kids will go, my way or the highw...Mike's way.
6. I refuse to call any kind of carbonated beverage "pop" as the midwesterners do up here. I will still call it coke or Dr. Pepper. Our kids will grow up being bi-lingual, midwestern and Texan!
7. I taught water sports for four summers at camp during college. I never really picked up water skiing even though I could teach others how to. I just stuck with wakeboarding.
Now I'm supposed to tag 7 other bloggers to do a 7 random things about them. But I will just tag anyone who reads this and wants to play. Have fun!!
Posted by Lacy at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Could it be?
Is spring really coming??? Today our high was at least 42 which is the highest it's been since November!! Yea!!!!! I even opened our sliding glass door for a little bit while the sun was shining in. I don't think I've ever been more ready for spring!
I was worried about not having enough warm weather maternity clothes, HA! I'll be lucky if I can wear my chacos before baby comes. I may have to pull out the sock and chaco combo after all the snow and slush have gone.
This week starts month 8! Most people don't believe me, but we'll see if I'm on target as far as weight and such is concerned. Tomorrow is my last four week visit, from here it's 2 two week visits and then down to every week. We can't believe it's come this fast and probably should really work on the whole name thing!!!
Posted by Lacy at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Parenting 101
This weekend we participated in an informal parenting exercise: we babysat some friend's kids Friday to Monday. Matigan is 3 and Wyatt is 2. We've watched them for an evening before, but never this long. Also, they've never been away from their parents for more than a day. We stayed at their place since our one bedroom apartment is hardly the place to keep two toddlers entertained for a whole weekend!!
Overall it went well. They were both a little under the weather, which curbed their energy level some but also curbed their desire to eat. I was able to reminisce of when I was little and was left seated at the kitchen table, not wanting to eat my food while mom was cleaning up.Our main activity for the weekend was to go to the "Surprise World," otherwise known as the Como Park Conservatory. In the Surpise World, it's sunny, warm, humid and full of all sorts of plants and flowers that smell really, really good! Oh, and the occasional frog, snake, bird, fish and local variety of toddlers. This day the conservatory was doing an exhibit with frogs for leap year, so I'm sure there were more toddlers around than usual. Another great thing about the Surprise World is that it's FREE, but donations are accepted! There's also a zoo attached that we'll have to check out once all the white stuff outside is replaced with green stuff.
This place does wonders for the winter blues, which I never experienced before now. The room in the first and last picture is the sunken flower room where every few months they change the flowers around. Right now it's winter flowers like amaryllis, lillies and cyclamen. Then for Easter they'll do a big lilly show I'm told. This room smells amazing!! What I want to know is what do they do with these flowers when they change the room out, I'd be happy to take a few!
Mattie and Wyatt did a great job themselves being away from Mom and Dad for the whole weekend. They only really got sad on Sunday night. Wyatt provided us with some nasty diaper changes for us parents-to-be! Mike did a good job on diaper duty, and once we had to tag team to get the job done. Looks like we just got in the diaper practice in the nick of time since the word on the street is that potty training is just around the corner!
So that was our fun Parenting 101 class that skipped a few years, so now we are furiously reading to know what happens before this age!
Posted by Lacy at 5:45 PM 1 comments